Jekyll Theme Persephone

There used to be a question: Why programmers prefer minimal design? The answer is that because they can only do minimal “design”.

Then here comes this minimal Jekyll theme 👏!

I know nothing about design. But I want my blog to be clean, minimal, and different from others. So I did this.

I copied the idea of design from a lot of places:

Finally, I pushed it as a Ruby Gem and made it open source as usual.


There are eight layouts in this theme.

home layout blog layout post layout
layout: home Demo layout: blog Demo layout: post Demo
page layout archive layout slides layout
layout: page Demo layout: archive Demo layout: slides Demo
book layout chapter layout  
layout: book Demo layout: chapter Demo  

You can find the full demo from my Chinese blog.


Use by Ruby gem

Add this line to your Jekyll site’s Gemfile:

gem "jekyll-theme-persephone"

And add this line to your Jekyll site’s _config.yml:

theme: jekyll-theme-persephone

And then execute:

$ bundle

Use by remote theme

The theme is not supported by Github Pages natively. But you can use remote_theme instead.

Add this line to your Jekyll site’s _config.yml:

remote_theme: erlzhang/jekyll-theme-persephone

Features and Usage

The introduction and usages can be found here (some of the layouts can’t be used with a jekyll-books plugin).

Here is a fully functional setting of the theme in _config.

Code highlight, latex, and mermaid are all supported. But you should enable it manually in _config.yml.

Disqus is well supported for post layout. You can also use Staticman as a static comments provider. Find more from here.

Just post an issue or contact me with email if you have any more questions. Bug reports and feature recommendations are all kindly welcomed.